• Casual Heroes

    An ironic mix of an economy-based city-building strategy and turn-based combat in our world after a flood. Graphics for this game were created by Owl Studio.

  • One day in London

    Have you ever dreamed of participating in a book’s plot? Of becoming the one to rule fate, to define the future of the heroes? Well, your dreams might well come true. Welcome to the world of dark mysteries, filling the quiet streets of old London city…

  • «Whoareyou»

    «Whoareyou» is a gamified English language course. Our designers created unique characters together with a complete set of graphics specially for this project.

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  • We are at WN Belgrade'23

    Countdown to the upcoming WN Events Belgrade'23 scheduled for December 7-8th, 2023, in Belgrade, Serbia. Join our CEO Vera Velichko to discuss the future of art development!

    OWL Studio at WN Berlin'23

    This spring, the OWL Studio team will attend the WN Berlin'23 conference!

    We are at WN Belgrade 2023

    The OWL Studio team is excited to attend the WN Belgrade'23 conference!

    all news

    About Us

    Hi there! Our studio is about making games for different platforms and doing all kinds of graphic outsource. The core team lives and works in Moscow, but distance is no restriction for true enthusiasm, and we also work with skilled professionals from Ekaterinburg, Kemerovo and Thailand.

    It all started at the end of 2014, when we, a group of developers, had the same idea: the time was ripe to work on our own projects. We all had a long story in game development and were equally passionate about our work, so we just united our efforts. Our ambition was to create  games to be proud of, games to attract attention, games worth spending a lot of time on them.

    OWL-studio is also a publisher, ready to share its knowledge and resources with young and resourceful teams. If you believe in your project and want to see it through, contact us, and may be we will help you on your way!



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    of work
    in a team
    liters of coffee

    Our Team

    Ours is an international team, working with people
    from different countries: Russia, Ukraine, Latvia and Thailand.
    We also gladly hire freelancers and achieve outstanding results.

    Наша команда

    OWL is looking for talents!

    • Complete

    Right now our team is completely staffed, but we are always interested in cooperation and interesting offers. If you have something to discuss, do not hesitate to contact us at any time

    join our team!

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